Arvind Kejriwal , the Delhi Chief Minister and opposition leader, received bail from a city court on Thursday in a corruption case, according to his party and legal team. India’s financial crime agency detained Kejriwal in March on suspicion of corruption pertaining to Delhi’s liquor policy; Kejriwal has refuted the allegations. Change to the active voice
In May, India’s top court granted him temporary bail to allow him to campaign for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the INDIA alliance, a coalition of over two dozen opposition parties. This temporary bail ended on June 2, leading to his surrender to prison authorities.
Rishikesh Kumar, leading Kejriwal’s legal team, announced that they would finalize the bail process the next morning.
The AAP and INDIA alliance leaders have rejected the corruption allegations against Arvind Kejriwal and his party members, accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of using these charges to hinder opposition efforts in the recent elections. Meanwhile, the government has denied these accusations. Subsequently, AAP stated on social media platform X, “Truth can be troubled, not defeated,” following the court’s decision.
In the recent elections, Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, however, lost its outright majority. Nevertheless, they managed to form a government with its allies’ support.