Kangana Ranaut has recently announced her upcoming film , Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata, which is rooted in a patriotic theme. This announcement comes at a time when Kangana is facing challenges in securing certification from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) for her political drama Emergency. Despite these obstacles, the actress is now preparing to take on a new project that will spotlight the ‘unsung heroes’ of India.
Kangana, in collaboration with Adi Sharmaa from Floating Rocks Entertainment and Eunoia Films, shared this exciting news through a joint Instagram post. The accompanying picture features Kangana posing with Adi and the production team. The post enthusiastically reads, “Kangana Ranaut is set to headline our maiden venture! We are thrilled to announce Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata, a cinematic tribute to the unsung heroes. This marks our first project as producers, Babita Ashiwal and Adi Sharmaa, under the banners @eunoiafilmsindia and @floatingrocks_ent. Starring the incredibly talented Kangana Ranaut @kanganaranaut, our film is directed by the visionary director-writer Manoj Tapadia. Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata promises to deeply resonate with audiences, inspiring a sense of hope, courage, and resilience.”
Meanwhile, Emergency, Kangana’s directorial venture, was originally slated for release on September 6. However, due to the politically sensitive content of the film, the Indian censor board has recommended several cuts. As a result, the release date remains uncertain. Nevertheless, Kangana has voiced her determination to bring the uncut version of her film to theaters.
Emergency portrays the 21-month period of the Indian Emergency, with Kangana portraying former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The film also boasts an impressive cast, including Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Vishak Nair, and the late actor Satish Kaushik in significant roles.