Meta’s Instagram is working on a new app that will rival Elon Musk’s Twitter. The app will launch on July 6. Ahead of the launch, the app has briefly appeared on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Alleged screenshots highlighting the visual aesthetics of the upcoming app have also leaked in the past. Here’s what the Threads app may offer
Limited text-based communication
The upcoming Threads will be a text-based conservation app. Similar to Twitter’s 280 word count, it is likely that there will be character restrictions in Threads as well. As of now, the character limit not known yet.
Further, the platform expected to be a decentralized application. It means that users will be able to use other apps and can still be on Threads.
As per the screenshots shared online, users will be able to login to Threads using their Instagram account. Another screenshot reveals that users will be able to choose who they want to follow through a list of contacts inside the app.
No other details of the Threads app are known yet. The app developed by Meta under Project 92 since January this year.
As mentioned above, the app is currently available for ‘pre-order’ on the App Store. The App Store listing describes Threads as a platform where communities can come together to discuss various topics, both current and trending, facilitating connections with favourite creators. According to a report by News 18, the app will combine elements from Instagram and Twitter, potentially appealing to both existing Instagram users and new users looking for a different social media experience.